Mireya sits down with Mr Ellison in this weeks Teacher Spotlight! Check out what he has to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIBTM3SFlKA&t=1s #mycrcs
15 days ago, CRCS
teacher spotlight ellison
Friday Night Lights saw Cuba Rushford/Hinsdale Boys Soccer beat Wellsville 2-1 and PCR Football beat Southwestern 24-14. Big wins by both teams for Homecoming! The Homecoming Court was also announced during the football game! #mycrcs
16 days ago, CRCS
Homcoming Soccer
Homecmoning football
homecoming cheerleading
homecoming court
During school on Friday, grades 3-8 went to the MHS gym to see the Girls Varsity Volleyball team beat Fillmore 3-1! The students had sign, were chanting and played games in between sets. Was an amazing experience to witness. Great job by everyone involved!
16 days ago, CRCS
Volleyball hit
holy blockamole
volleyball set
CREvcolleyball game
CRE crowd volleyball
Thursdays events concluded with the Powderpuff game and Bonfire. The Seniors scored a touchdown late in the 4th to win 18-14! The bonfire was after with the car smash and music leading in the fun! #mycrcs
17 days ago, CRCS
Powderpuff/fire seniors
Powderpuff/fire juniors
Powderpuff/fire TD run
Powderpuff/fire car smash
Powderpuff/fire throw
Powderpuff/fire flex
Powderpuff/fire int
The parade went through downtown Cuba! Each team and student council went through town on their floats. It is always great to see the town come out for these events! #mycrcs
17 days ago, CRCS
parade vb
parade soccer
parade football
parade xc
parade cheer
parade soccer
The pep rally took place Thursday. So much happened during this event. The drumline playing people in, games, team chants, pie eating contest and even a teacher fashion show. It was great to see the students get invested in the event. #mycrcs
17 days ago, CRCS
pep rally drumlime
pep rally games
pep rally chants
pep rally pie eating
pep rally teacher dress
Mrs. V and Mrs. Feuchters 4th grade class visited Cuba Giant today and had a great time learning all about apples! #mycrcs
19 days ago, CRCS
apples class
apples giant
Today is all the Homecoming fun! The parade going through downtown Cuba at 6pm. The powderpuff game between the Junior and Seniors will be after the parade at about 6:40. Following powderpuff, the bonfire at the MHS will be going until 9pm. #mycrcs
19 days ago, CRCS
Homecoming events
It's time for your favorite podcast again, Rebel Talk with Maggie and Mr. Cap. This week Mr. Josh Tompkins joins the show to discuss his super cool hobbies and all things Athletics! Happy Homecoming week everyone! #mycrcs https://wakelet.com/wake/k2QLwt4WX_oBQjZXsHi7g
19 days ago, CRCS
josh tompkins
Ms. Kent's photography students along with Art Club and VCE visited Canalside in Buffalo today to assist Eric Jones with the process of creating a sand sculpture. #mycrcs
22 days ago, CRCS
Eric jones sand
erifc jones sand
Eric jones sand
sand Eric jones
Its Homecoming Week! Here is the Spirit Week Days in both the CRE and MHS! Join in and show your Rebel Spirit! #mycrcs
23 days ago, CRCS
Spirit Week CRE
Spirit Week MHS
High school Fish and Wildlife students teaching 6th graders at the wildlife center. Doesn’t get much better than that! #mycrcs
25 days ago, CRCS
fish hatchery 6th
fish and wildlife fish hatchery
Fish and wildlife 6h
It's time for your favorite podcast again! Brynn Lavery joins the show today to discuss her senior year and so much more. Join us on Rebel Talk with Maggie and Mr. Cap. #mycrcs https://wakelet.com/wake/k2QLwt4WX_oBQjZXsHi7g
27 days ago, CRCS
Teen Leadership Class had puppies from Rescue Pups come in! They do a yearly fundraiser collecting supplies and will go to Rescue Pups and work with the dogs for a day. #mycrcs
29 days ago, CRCS
rescue pups
rescue pups
rescue pups
rescue pups
This years Video Creation Editing/Rebel Express Show classes are making a "Teacher Spotlight Series". Our first video was made by Aly who interviewed 2nd year teacher Mr. States! #mycrcs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwHwq4ze-LQ
29 days ago, CRCS
On Friday, the Fish and Wildlife class went out to a local pond for the annual AWL trip. They were getting data by capturing and measuring fish. #mycrcs
29 days ago, CRCS
awl measuring
Anywhere you look at Cuba Garlic Festival you will find CR students. Jazz Band and Pop Group preformed, sports teams helping park cars, some were working booths, and others were helping with classes! It is great to CR represented out in the community! #mycrcs
about 1 month ago, CRCS
garlicfest popgroup
Volleyball Parking
garlicfest class
garlicfest boyscouts
garlicfest jazzband
Garlicfest 4h
Garlic Fest
Volleyball Parking
Ms. Aderman’s class has been diving into the world of chemical and physical reactions in science. Today, they performed an experiment combining baking soda and vinegar. The students watched with excitement as the mixture bubbled and fizzed, producing carbon dioxide gas—a clear sign of a chemical reaction in action. It seems their curiosity really *popped*! #mycrcs
about 1 month ago, CRCS
chemistry CRE
Just a reminder that tonights Modified Football game against Franklinville/Ellicottville will be streamed on HUDL. The link is: https://fan.hudl.com/mycrcs
about 1 month ago, CRCS
Tune in today as Raegan Poore ( CRCS 11th Grader) joins the show to discuss Fish & Wildlife Class, Volleyball and so much more. Click on the link below! #mycrcs https://wakelet.com/wake/k2QLwt4WX_oBQjZXsHi7g
about 1 month ago, CRCS
poore podcast